Almost complete life history of Hidari bhawani (Veined Palmer), showing egg, the first two and last two instars, adult, pre-pupa, and pupa, along with the host plant Licuala spinosa (Mangrove Fan Palm).
Partial life history of Moduza procris procris (Oriental Commander), showing adult and up to three larval instars.
Partial life history of Euthalia phemius phemius (White-edged Blue Baron), showing final larval instar, pupa and adult.
Partial life history of Papilio polytes (Common Mormon), probably showing 2nd to 5th instars, pre-pupa, pupa and adult.
Partial life history of Graphium doson (Common Jay), showing 3rd to 5th instars, pre-pupa, pupa and adult.
Partial life history of Graphium sarpedon (Common Bluebottle), showing 5th instars, pupa and adult.
The spider Pranburia mahannopi (Corinnidae) is a quite amazing mimic of ants of the genus Diacamma (Ponerinae).
A simple approach to making re-usable icon Blade components, using SVG for improved flexibility and to ensure quality at any scale.
Taking the pain out of Markdown. A Livewire component for handling editing in Markdown markup language and using GitDown for parsing to HTML and styling.
Setting up Laravel routing, including supporting multiple routes to access the same model page and intercepting ModelNotFoundException
A generic "load more" Livewire component that works with any SQL statement and output components. It does not reload previously loaded items.
A generic tree-view component with lazy-loading of "children", pre-loading and expanding to show preselected items, and variable content for different purposes, including an editable version.
A comprehensive article on using the nested set model for handling hierarchical data. I include full details of how nested sets work, several examples, code for handling data operations and a migration to implement nested sets.